L’introduction appétissante du prochain livre de McAfee, Enterprise 2.0 : New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization's Toughest Challenges, est disponible gratuitement en téléchargement. L’ouvrage sortira à la mi-novembre aux Etats-Unis. Il ne faut pas s'y tromper mais le réseau social - un terme qui peut porter à confusion dans le monde de l'entreprise - est avant tout un ensemble d'outils permettant à l'entreprise de devenir plus efficace : "The adjective social is often applied to the technologies discussed in this book. This label is accurate, but unfortunate. When some managers hear talk of social technologies, they im- mediately think of technologies that facilitate activities like happy hour, fantasy sports league drafts, and office gossip. They hear “social,” in short, and think it means not work-related, or time wasting, or productivity-draining. Because of this tendency, I rarely if ever use the word social when discussing Enterprise 2.0. I prefer instead collaborative, a term that has largely positive connotations for business leaders. People collaborate in order to get work done and solve prob- lems, and these days there’s no shortage of problems to solve. As I write (in early 2009), the worldwide economy is beset by a severe recession, and companies must figure out how to keep in- novating and pleasing their customers while at the same time slashing costs and improving efficiency."